I am Batman
Bruce Wayne
I am Federico Orrù.
As a full-stack web engineer with many years of experience, I can deal with almost all the development needs of a web project,
from data modeling to client-side animations.
I love working with creative people and talented designers, I like to offer my technical skills to achieve performant and beautiful results.
Have a look at my education and skills.
High school diploma in Computer Science
Cagliari, Italy
Degree in Computer Engineering
Pisa, Italy
Project & Analysis
Applications and Databases Design, Tests, Design Patterns, Accessibility and Usability principles
Backend Development
MySQL, PHP, Triggers and Stored Procedures, MVC, E-commerce, Magento
Frontend Development
HTML5, SVG, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, Animations
Development Tools
Git, Npm, Gulp, Jasmine, Karma
Move to Pisa
goes to Berlin