Fisco Facile

Client: STUDIO G.L.

Studio GL is an italian business consultancy firm.

I revamped their digital presence, developing a responsive website with E-commerce features and a fully customized CMS system.

Tailored Content


The consultancy firm has many types of clients, different one from each other in sector, size, needs. The studio was sending a regular newsletter to its clients, the same content to all, but every client was interested only in a subset of the information, different for each one. The signal-to-noise ratio of these messages was too high.


I developed a simple but effective system of classification of users and content based on tags. The intersection of these tags allows the system to produce automatically a version of the newsletter tailored for each client, providing them only information that really matter for their specific profile. The same filtering capability is available on the site.

Tagged Content

Tagged Users

Tailored Content
for every User

E-Commerce Features

  • Choose Product

  • Custom Contract is auto-generated using templates

  • Pay with Paypal

Also featuring...

  • Reserved Area

  • Download of documents and templates